in ASCII format containing 3 columns: (1) momentum transfer, (2) experimental intensity and (3) experimental errors.

Applications that read .dat:

  • almerge - Finds the best overlap betweem SAS data sets and merges them together.
  • autorg - Estimation of radius of gyration from SAS data by Guinier approximation.
  • axis - Angular AXIS
  • bodies - Fit geometric shapes to SAS data; predict SAS data of geometric shapes
  • bunch - Rigid body modelling of multidomain proteins.
  • chromixs - SEC-SAXS data analysis
  • crysol - Calculates X-ray scattering patterns from atomic structures
  • databsmw - Molecular weight from experimental data on absolute scale.
  • databsolute - Transform experimental data to absolute scale.
  • dataver - Average two or more experimental data files.
  • datclass - Classification of experimental data into geometric shape classes.
  • datcombine - Combine experimental data files from multiple sources.
  • datcrop - Crop a data file to a specific angular range.
  • datft - Direct Fourier transform of experimental SAS data
  • datgnom - Calculate the p(r) from experimental data files.
  • datmerge - Scale, shift and merge multiple experimental data files
  • datmow - Molecular weight from Apparent Volume
  • datmw - Molecular weight by multiple methods
  • datop - Linear operations on experimental data files.
  • datporod - Determine the molecular weight from Porod Volume.
  • datregrid - Modification of the angular vector.
  • datresample - Resample experimental data
  • datrg - Calculation of radius of gyration from SAS data by Guinier approximation.
  • datvc - Molecular weight from Volume of Correlation
  • em2dam - Converts EM-maps to dummy atom models.
  • ffmaker - Assembles form-factor files for eom and oligomer.
  • launcher - ATSAS launcher
  • mixtures - Analysis of polydisperse systems.
  • nmator - Flexible refinement in torsion-angle space.
  • oligomer - Determine volume fractions of a multi-component mixture.
  • sasplot - SAS Data Plotting
  • shanum - Quantitative assessment of the useful angular data range
  • sreflex - Flexible refinement in cartesian space.

Applications that write .dat:

  • almerge - Finds the best overlap betweem SAS data sets and merges them together.
  • axis - Angular AXIS
  • databsolute - Transform experimental data to absolute scale.
  • dataver - Average two or more experimental data files.
  • datcombine - Combine experimental data files from multiple sources.
  • datcrop - Crop a data file to a specific angular range.
  • datmerge - Scale, shift and merge multiple experimental data files
  • datop - Linear operations on experimental data files.
  • datregrid - Modification of the angular vector.
  • em2dam - Converts EM-maps to dummy atom models.
  • ffmaker - Assembles form-factor files for eom and oligomer.
  • im2dat - Convert an image to a SAS data