New in ATSAS-4.0.0

  • New Programs
  • Removed Programs
  • overall GUI Program redesign
    • all
      • new feature: save current application state as project
      • new feature: common Model-View Framework use for all Qt-based GUI applications
      • new feature: common wizard framework
      • new feature: plot annotations, freely placeable labels and lines
      • new feature: export any plot as figure (SVG, PNG, TIFF, PDF) and text (CSV)
      • new feature: parallel processing wherever possible to speed up calculations
    • chromixs
      • re-imagined user interface for selecting multiple and possibly disconnected regions
      • parallel processing of Rg/MW and subtractions
      • wizard for Evolving Factor Analysis with efamix
    • peak
      • redesigned UI for multiple peak fitting and removal
      • additional fitting functions (lorentzian, pseudo-voigt)
    • primus
      • redesigned UI to improve intuitive use
      • redesigned all wizards for parallel processing/calculations
      • distances wizard allows re-open an existing .out
      • improved and simplified data comparisons
  • Changes in Programs
    • ambimeter
      • fixed out-of-bounds access
      • converted binary to mmCIF
      • fixed label of reported fit measure from ‘Chi-square’ to ‘R-factor’
    • bodies
      • made model output format configurable
    • bunch
      • fixed out-of-bounds access, initialize variables
      • made model output format configurable
      • removed broken ‘batchfile’ argument
    • coral
      • when looking for backbone CA, make sure that they are not CAlcium
      • added crysol options that allow override of errors
      • made model output format configurable
      • removed broken ‘batchfile’ argument
    • damaver
      • made model output format configurable
      • fixed an issue with excessively large models
    • dammif
      • made model output format configurable
    • dammin
      • made model output format configurable
      • include maximum distance in model output
    • dammix
      • added crysol options that allow override of errors
      • made model output format configurable
    • datcrop
      • fixed out-of-bounds access
    • elllip
      • added basic command-line interface
      • made model output format configurable
    • em2dam
      • made model output format configurable
    • ffmaker
      • added crysol-related options
    • flexbin
      • added basic command-line interface
      • made model output format configurable
    • gasbor
      • fixed issue reading an optional sequence
      • made model output format configurable
      • include maximum distance in model output
      • provide volume fractions in mmCif output
    • globsymm
      • report Chi-square
      • include error estimates in .fit output
      • made model output format configurable
    • glycosylation
      • made model output format configurable
      • include meta-data in output
    • gnom
      • fixed out-of-bounds access
      • correctly output slit parameters on “infinitely long” slits, i.e. AH>0.0, LH==0.0
    • monsa
      • made model output format configurable
    • nmator
      • added crysol-related options
    • nnlsjoe
      • do not read more lines than requested by poolsize
    • primus
      • fixed multiple Qt6 connection errors
      • distances wizard: allow alpha up to 999999.9999
      • wizards: added crysol options that allow override of errors
      • wizards: made model output format configurable
    • ranch
      • handle the case where the provided sequence has more residues than the corresponding structure.
      • made model output format configurable
    • sasref/sasrefcv/sasrefmx
      • handle empty models
      • added crysol options that allow override of errors
      • made model output format configurable
      • removed ‘template’ argument
      • NOTE: order of subunit numbering has changed!
    • sreflex
      • document ‘concoord’ option
      • added crysol options that allow override of errors
      • fixed timing issue on filesystem access
    • library
      • scale/adjust: handle the case of two or more inputs with missing errors
      • PDB: warn about possibly misread values due to misalignment
      • PDB: improved output of meta-data
      • PDB: improved reading of dummy-residues when phase information is absent
      • mmCIF: handle optional columns, improved reading of meta-data
      • mmCIF: improved output of meta-data
    • all
      • cleaned up version reporting, update copyright notices
      • updated manuals
    • macOS:
      • sign & notarize package
    • Windows/Linux:
      • updated MKL libraries
      • performance improvements
      • sign package