
The following sections briefly describe the the ATSAS Application Launcher, and how to start it from the command-line and the platform Application Menu. It further provides a list of available application wizards.


The ATSAS Application Launcher is a graphical user interface featuring a collection of wizards designed to simplify the configuration and use of many, often complex, ATSAS command-line applications.

Each wizard operates independently, allowing multiple wizards to be started and run in parallel. All tasks are managed within an internal task queue. The ATSAS Launcher avoids starting more tasks than there are available CPU cores, enabling users to queue multiple analysis runs and let them complete overnight. All results are stored in separate temporary directories, which can be saved to a final location or discarded as needed.

Main Features:

  • Graphical wizards for the most commonly used ATSAS applications
  • Ability to run multiple wizards in parallel, with task queuing and parallel execution
  • Output separation into temporary directories for easy management and storage

Running launcher

Command-Line Arguments and Options

None yet. Planned for the next release.

Application Menu


launcher Main Window

Main Window

Components of the main Window:

  • Filter list on the left: selected filters disable application buttons on the right that do not match the filter criterion
  • Application buttons: clicking any enabled button will start the corresponding wizard. Multiple wizards can be active at the same time

Application Wizards

Clicking on any of the buttons below redirects to the manual of the respective application.

Interactive Data Analysis

Ab Initio Modelling

  • Primus Wizard
  • Chromixs Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Peak Wizard

  • Primus Wizard
  • Chromixs Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Peak Wizard

  • Primus Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Chromixs Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Peak Wizard

Hybrid Modelling

  • Primus Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Chromixs Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Peak Wizard

  • Primus Wizard
  • Chromixs Wizard

  • Primus Wizard
  • Chromixs Wizard

Model Manipulation and Evaluation

  • Primus Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Chromixs Wizard
  • Peak Wizard

Mixture Analysis

  • Primus Wizard
  • Chromixs Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)
  • Peak Wizard (wizard in preparation, but not yet implemented)


  • Primus Wizard Opens SASDOC
  • Chromixs Wizard Opens a console for command-line applications