
The following sections briefly describe how to run DATMERGE from the command- line, the required input and the produced output files.


DATMERGE may be used to scale (multiply intensities by a factor), adjust (multiply intensities by a factor and subtract a constant background) and to merge two or more data files.

The first argument is used as template, i.e. its scaling factor is defined to 1.0. All other inputs are scaled to this template.

Running datmerge


$ datmerge [OPTIONS] <SASDATA(S)>

OPTIONS known by DATMERGE are described in next section, the required SASDATA arguments in the section on input files.

Command-Line Arguments and Options

DATMERGE requires the following command line arguments:

Argument Description
SASDATA One or more experimental SAS data (.dat) files.

Absolute as well as relative path to data files are accepted. The input file may also be given as ‘-‘, in this case input is read from stdin.

DATMERGE recognizes following command-line options:

Short option Long option Description
  --scale enable scaling prior to merge.
  --constant enable a constant offset prior to merge.
  --coefficients prints coefficients to stdout if specified, requires an output file name.
-o --output <FILE> Relative or absolute path to save the result; if not specified, the result is printed to stdout.
-v --version Print version information and exit.
-h --help Print a summary of arguments, options, and exit.

datmerge input files

DATMERGE expects experimental SAS data (.dat).

datmerge output files

DATMERGE writes a single experimental SAS data (.dat) file that includes the data of all inputs, as well as information about the scaling factors and constants applied, if any.


$ datmerge data_001.dat data_002.dat -o output.dat --scale --coefficients
1.0000000000000000      data_001.dat
1.5666391739917378      data_002.dat