The .msk file format is a binary mask file used for the analysis and processing of two-dimensional scattering data. This format is typically used to store masking information, indicating which pixels in an image should be included or excluded from further analysis. The mask file helps in identifying and ignoring regions of the image that may contain artifacts, noise, or unwanted background signals. Each pixel in the .msk file corresponds to a pixel in the original image, with binary values, i.e. 0 or 1, representing whether the pixel is masked (excluded) or unmasked (included).

Applications that read .msk:

  • im2dat - Convert an image to a SAS data
  • imop - Operations on detector images and masks
  • imsim - Simulates realistic 2D scattering images

Applications that write .msk:

  • imop - Operations on detector images and masks
  • imsim - Simulates realistic 2D scattering images