The ESRF Data Format (EDF) is a specialized file format used primarily at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) for storing data collected from synchrotron experiments. EDF is designed to handle the high volumes of data generated by X-ray detectors, facilitating efficient storage and retrieval of experimental results. Each EDF file typically consists of a header, containing metadata such as experimental conditions and detector settings, followed by a data section that stores the raw or processed image data. The format supports various data types, including 32-bit and 64-bit floating-point numbers, enabling precise representation of measurement data. EDF is tailored to the needs of the scientific community, ensuring compatibility with analysis software and facilitating the sharing and comparison of experimental data.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official ESRF Data Format documentation.

Applications that read .edf:

  • im2dat - Convert an image to a SAS data
  • imop - Operations on detector images and masks

Applications that write .edf:

  • imop - Operations on detector images and masks
  • imsim - Simulates realistic 2D scattering images