

primus User Interface

The File -menu: 'File' menu

Caption Description
Open Open one or more data files from the hard disk or attached network shares.
Close All Close all data files currently open. To close an individual file, useClosein the context menu of the respective file.
Synchronize Ranges Generally,plot-rangesare adjusted for each opened data file independently. If checked, all ranges are synchronized and modified together.
Toggle All Toggle theplot stateof all currently opened data files.
Quit Close the primus main window and quit the application.

The Plot -menu: 'Plot' menu

Caption Description
I vs. s (Absolute Scale) Display the currently selected data files in absolute scale.
log(I) vs. s (Absolute Scale) Display the currently selected data files in logarithmic scale (the default).
I*s^2 vs. s (Kratky Plot) Display the currently selected data files as Kratky Plot.
Print Print the current plot area. Allows high-resolution exports of the plot area if printed to PDF.
Export Export the current plot area to a graphics file format, e.g. PNG. The output is a low-resolution image at screen resolution, if high(er)-resolution is required, print to PDF.
Zoom _Zoom_and_Move_are mutually exclusive. If_Zoom_is selected, selecting a region on the plot area will zoom in. One may zoom in multiple times, right-click will zoom out.
Move _Zoom_and_Move_are mutually exclusive. If_Move_is selected, the plot area may be dragged to adjust the field of view. Right clicking has no effect.
Configure Configure the plot area. Specify titles, fonts and colors.

The Tools -menu: 'Tools' menu

Caption Description
Radius of Gyration Graphical User Interface to estimate the Radius of Gyration of the first selected data file.Right-clickany data file and select_Radius of gyration_from the Tools menu to use any file.
Porod Volume Not implemented yet.
Distance Distribution Graphical User Interface toGNOM.

The Settings -menu: 'Settings'

Caption Description
Show ‘documents’ window Enable or disable the display of thedocuments window, enabled by default.
Show ‘documents’ toolbar Enable or disable the display of thedocuments toolbar, enabled by default.
Show ‘plot’ toolbar Enable or disable the display of theplot toolbar, enabled by default.
Configure primus Open the primussettings dialog.

The Help -menu: 'Help' menu

Caption Description
Help Contents Opens the ATSAS help browser.
About primus Information about primus.
About Qt Information about Qt.


The Documents -toolbar: 'Documents'
toolbar The entries in this toolbar are identical to those described in the File -menu. This toolbar can be enabled or disabled in the corresponding entry in the Settings -menu. The Plot -toolbar: 'Plot'
toolbar The entries in this toolbar are identical to those described in the Plot -menu. This toolbar can be enabled or disabled in the corresponding entry in the Settings -menu.

Dock Windows

Dock windows can be dragged and freely moved. The Documents -Window: 'Dock Document'
widget This dock window can be enabled or disabled in the corresponding entry in the Settings -menu.

Field Description
Filename The basename of the data file openend; the corresponding curve is shown in the plot area if checked.
Range From First point of the data file to plot. Ranges between files are independent, but may besynchronized.
Range To Last point of the data file to plot. Ranges between files are independent, but may besynchronized.
Concentration Concentration as extracted from the data file. May be temporarily changed in the dialog. To change persistently, open the file in anexternal editor, modify andreloadafterwards.
Multiplier Scales the corresponding function by the value specified. Default is 1.0, i.e. no scaling at all.

Right-clicking in the free area of the documents window opens the **context menu of the documents** -window: Context menu of 'Dock Document' widget The entries in this menu are identical to those described in the File -menu. Right-clicking a filename opens the **file-related context menu** : File-related context

Caption Description
Save As … Save themultiplied data rangeto a new file.
Open with external editor Open the associated data file in the specifiedexternal editor.
Reload Reload the associated data file, necessary to make changes in the file effective.
Browse Replace the currently opened data file by another at the the position in the document list.
Close ‘filename Close the currently loaded data file and remove the entry in the document list.
Angular Scaling  
Tools The entries in the sub-menu are identical to theTools-menu, but tools will be applied to the currently selected file, not the first selected in the list.


The primus Settings dialog: configuration

Field Description
Path to ATSAS binaries  
Path to ATSAS help file  
External editor Editor to use toopen filesin.








Extrapolation to Zero Concentration
