A program suite for small angle scattering data analysis from biological macromolecules.

ATSAS is developed by BIOSAXS GmbH. Usage is free for academic use. To obtain an academic license, please register using your institute email via the download page. Academic community support is provided by an open discussion forum, an user-editable Wiki and Issue reports to the ATSAS developers.

If you use ATSAS applications in your work, please cite:

Manalastas-Cantos, K., Konarev, P. V., Hajizadeh, N. R., Kikhney, A. G., Petoukhov, M. V., Molodenskiy, D. S., Panjkovich, A., Mertens, H. D. T., Gruzinov, A., Borges, C., Jeffries, C. M., Svergun, D. I. & Franke, D. (2021). ATSAS 3.0: expanded functionality and new tools for small-angle scattering data analysis J. Appl. Cryst. 54, 343-355.
